Transylvania Beyond Dracula: The History and Present of Transylvanian Jewry

Thursday, November 7

USA 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET

UK 8:00 pm / France 09:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm

The talk will last approximately 90 minutes

About this talk

When hearing the word "Transylvania" most people think of Bram Stoker's Dracula, while this region is not only famous for its stunning landscapes and nature, but also for its historical heritage even beyond the "legacy" of Vlad the Impaler. 

Located in today's Romania, Transylvania's rich history reveals vast Jewish heritage, dating back to ancient times, with Jewish presence that left an incredible mark on the social fabric of the region. 

This talk will give an in-depth introduction to the history of Transylvania and its Jewish communities, sheds light on not only on their struggles but on their uniqueness, and finally gives a brief overview of the present of Jewry in the region. The talk will also reflect on the Sabbatarians (szombatos) of Transylvania, and tell about the Jewish communities of, for example, Bezidu Nou (Bözödújfalu), Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár) Satu Mare (Szatmárnémeti) or Timișoara (Temesvár), Arad, Cluj-Napoca and Oradea - amongst many others.

About Mercédesz

Mercédesz (Merci) Czimbalmos, PhD is a researcher in Jewish studies and in the study of religions. Whilst her current scientific focus is mainly on researching Finnish Jewry, as well as contemporary antisemitism in the Nordic countries, she has for long studied Transylvania, specifically focusing on the Shabbatarian community, their history, and the final years of existence. She did several ethnographic field trips to the region collecting data, and conducting research.

You will be asked to select one of these options:

General admission - $18

Supported admission - $9

Sponsor this talk - $36

With your contribution, you will also be donating to the Jewish Community of Arad in Transylvania, (Romania).