A 'Walk' Through the Jewish History of Florence

Tuesday, March 18
Please note that the times (in the US) are different from our usual schedule!
USA 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET
UK 8:00 pm / France 9:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm
The talk will last approximately 90 minutes
About this talk
You are invited to a virtual 'walk' through the most significant places in the city where, from the Renaissance to our times, Jews in Florence have lived, worked, and shared community and religious life. This path, enriched with history, curiosity, and memories, aims to bring to life the lesser-known places of Jewish presence in the city.
The tour ends at the Great Synagogue (1882), one of the symbols of the emancipation of Italian Jews. Damaged by the Nazi-Fascists during WWII, it is still active and remains a vibrant focal point of contemporary Jewish life in Florence.
About Giovanna
Giovanna Bossi Rosenfeld, born in Florence, is a historian of Florentine architecture and a licensed tour guide who specializes in tours of her city from a Jewish perspective. She brings Jewish Florence's history to life through her knowledge, stories, and memories, as well as by taking you to the very places where Jewish history was made and continues to thrive, thanks to an active Jewish community.
She is a co-author of the book Jewish Florence: Illustrated Itinerary (Florence, ASKA Editor, 2019).

You will be asked to select one of these options:
General admission - $18
Supported admission - $9
Sponsor this talk - $36
With your contribution, you will also be donating to the American Sephardi Federation, which preserves and promotes the history, traditions, and rich mosaic culture of Greater Sephardic communities as an integral part of the Jewish experience.